Subj : Sixel Gallery To : Codefenix From : Apam Date : Tue Jun 21 2022 02:52 pm Re: Sixel Gallery By: Codefenix to All on Mon Jun 20 2022 09:54 pm Co> The mod requires SyncTERM. If a user runs it in a terminal other than Co> SyncTERM, it offers a polite error message and quits. Actually, it also works on MagiTerm :) I was trying it out earlier. I did notice some differences when comparing the two. * Syncterm displays the sixel while loading it, whereas magiterm waits for it to load before displaying it. * Syncterm moves the cursor to the end of the sixel image, magiterm the cursor stays where it was when sending the sixel. I'm guessing you're scaling images to fit to the screen with image magick as well as converting them? If so perhaps that could be an option, or just scale so the width fits? Syncterm / Magiterm both scroll sixel images that are to high for the screen. As for width, Syncterm doesn't do any scaling / scrolling (as far as I can tell) Magiterm will scale images wider than the screen so they fit width ways. Anyway, cool mod & well done :) Andrew --- þ Synchronet þ The Positronic Brain - .