Subj : JS Formatting To : All From : DesotoFireflite Date : Sun Jul 10 2022 07:24 am I added a message option to send me an email everytime a new user was verified by the emailvar.js. It's working correctly, and I'm very satisfied with my efforts to make it work. The message it send to my email is as follows: -+- Snipit ---- msgtxt = "New Member, Alias: " + user.alias + ", #: " + String(user.number) + ", Joined " + + " Today " + (new Date()); -+- Snipit ---- expands as follows in the message: New Member, Alias: Tuff, #: 191, Joined Valhalla Home Services Today Sun Jul 10 7:15:32 I would rather it to be somewhat like this: New Member Joined Valhalla Home Services Today Sun Jul 10 7:15:32. Alias: Tuff Number: 191 Is there a way to do this. For the like of me, I can't find a way to do this formatting. I'm successful in doing it in one line, but I'm trying to learn more. Thanks in advance. SysOp: C.G. Learn, AKA: DesotoFireflite Valhalla Home Services! - (Synchronet) - A Gamers Paradise - Over 250 Registered Online Game Doors! --- Don't eat the yellow snow! þ Synchronet þ Valhalla Home Services þ USA þ .