Subj : Re: Sixel Gallery - Viewa To : Codefenix From : paulie420 Date : Thu Feb 09 2023 06:59 pm [All great info in your reply. Appreciate all the points you posted; thanks!!] Co> The other consideration is text quality/legibility. By converting PDF Co> text to an image, the text won't look as sharp. By further converting it Co> to sixel, it could look worse, especially if ImageMagick is scaling down Co> the sixel for viewing in a typical 80x24 SyncTERM window. Maybe this Co> isn't an issue if your source PDF is primarily image-based. But if it's Co> text-based (but not a scanned image of text), you might consider using a Co> tool like Poppler's pdftotext to extract the text from the PDF and Co> display that as an alternative. I get a similar issue w/ the PDF not being quality enough to make a [good enough] conversion to text - so your point probably applies even more; if I can't get good TEXT out of it the SIXEL conversion would probably suffer as well. |07p|15AULIE|1142|07o |08......... .