Subj : RSS - Additional Service To : DOVE-Net.Programming_(Jav From : Mindless Automaton Date : Thu Jul 06 2006 12:32 pm In index.ssjs, add this line to the template.additional_service area: template.additional_services+='[' + ("RSS".link("http://"+host +"/rss.ssjs" +http_port)) + '] '; When you load up your site, you'll have an additional service for RSS. (woo.) Clicking the link from the main page will bring up a list of feeds you have set up. Unfortunately, clicking the feed link does not seem to activate my rss reader, which is Firefox+RSS plugin. So I'd have to copy/paste the link manually. No big deal to me tho. -Mindless Automaton --- þ Synchronet þ Eldritch Clockwork BBS .