Subj : directory() results affected by console.yesno()..? To : deon From : Nightfox Date : Fri Mar 29 2024 09:56 am Re: directory() results affected by console.yesno()..? By: deon to Nightfox on Fri Mar 29 2024 09:40 pm de> Use some log(LOG_DEBUG,...) before that call and see if it makes a de> difference. de> I've had some quirks with synchronet JS where functions/js routines dont de> work, and implementing log(LOG_DEBUG,...) before it (to figure out why de> stuff wasnt working), made it work for some strange reason. (And then de> removing the log(), it reverted back to not working - so somehow it de> helped...) de> If it fixes your situation, then hopefully helps get to the bottom of de> this... Thanks for the suggestion. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .