Subj : Re: RSS - Theme Your RSS To : Finnigann From : jas hud Date : Mon Jul 10 2006 05:26 pm Re: Re: RSS - Theme Your RSS  By: Finnigann to jas hud on Mon Jul 10 2006 09:56 am   > I have all of the required BBS ports.[1] They all point to the same > (internal) address. Telnet works as does FTP (at least to me) The web > interface works locally (using the address). (at least to me) isnt good enough. as i said before, it is possible your isp BLOCKS these ports. did you try running them on other ports and having a friend [dont try it yourself, that wont help] try to connect? |15 .Ä.Ú Â Â ÂÂ.Ä. ÂÚ¿ |07-³ ³Ã¿³ ³³ ³³³ ³³ ³À¿- |07 `Ä'ÀÙÁÙÁ`\/'Á`Ä'À-ÙÀÙ |08+o edge of oblivion bbs þ þ NUV þ --- þ Synchronet þ -[Data Stream - telnet/web/ftp]- .