Subj : Re: Server troubles?? To : Finnigann From : Digital Man Date : Mon Jul 10 2006 11:09 pm Re: Re: Server troubles?? By: Finnigann to Digital Man on Mon Jul 10 2006 11:00 pm > -=> Without Duece's permission: Digital Man wrote to Finnigann <=- > > DM> Re: Server troubles?? > DM> By: Finnigann to All on Mon Jul 10 2006 06:18 pm > > > > > > > > > > > Port Scan > > Mon, 10 Jul 2006 13:58:34 -0700 > > > > The host has a service running on port 23 (telnet). > > The host has a service running on port 513 (login). > > The host has a service running on port 6667 (ircd). > > The host has a service running on port 79 (finger). > > The host has a service running on port 70 (gopher). > > > > The host does not have a service running on port 21 (ftp). > > The host does not have a service running on port 80 (http). > > The host does not have a service running on port 110 (pop3). > > The host does not have a service running on port 119 (nntp). > > DM> Do you have an external router device (e.g. cable or DSL "modem" with > DM> router functionality)? Perhaps it has a firewall built-in and is > DM> blocking these ports. Or it could be your ISP blocking those incoming > DM> ports. > > Yes, I do. > > In a privious message I posted some screen captures links. > > It's looking more and more like the ISP has some ports closed. This is > a new developement. > > But if that's so, why do the links work for me? If "for me" means, from the same computer or from another computer on your local network, the answer should be obvious: because your ISP isn't involved in your local network. > and both work fine here... I'm not sure where exactly "here" is. > I sent Charter a message asking if the BBS ports are indeed closed and > if so, would they open them. They would know. :-) digital man Snapple "Real Fact" #143: Q is the only letter in the alphabet not appearing in the name of any U.S. state. Norco, CA WX: 71.4øF, 57% humidity, 0 mph W wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs .