Subj : Re: Server troubles??|dmz To : jas hud From : Finnigann Date : Wed Jul 12 2006 09:24 pm -=> With regards to the social ramifications; jas hud wrote to Finnigann <=- jh> Re: Re: Server troubles??|dmz jh>  By: Finnigann to jh> jas hud on Tue Jul 11 2006 10:37 pm  jh>  > Thanks, but I got the sad news already. > jh> nmap is better. :D OK I tracked it down... it needs to be compiled... MS VC is the tool they recommend... VC requires XP or the like. ME isn't good enough... Thanks anyway. ---------------------------------------------------------------- James King KC8UGV | Sysop - Bits-N-Bytes BBS Coldwater, MI 49036 | ---------------------------------------------------------------- RSS ---------------------------------------------------------------- .... I tried to drown my problems... they like beer too! --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.46 þ Synchronet þ Bits-N-Bytes - / .