Subj : Re: Server troubles?? To : Tracker1 From : Finnigann Date : Tue Jul 18 2006 07:24 am -=> With regards to the social ramifications; Tracker1 wrote to Finnigann <=- Tr> Finnigann wrote: > > > The host has a service running on port 23 (telnet). > The host has a service running on port 513 (login). > The host has a service running on port 6667 (ircd). > The host has a service running on port 79 (finger). > The host has a service running on port 70 (gopher). > The host does not have a service running on port 21 (ftp). Tr> Maybe your ISP is blocking email ports. Little doubt left. But how is it that the http works for me? I mean gets me the BBS web page, yet the RSS feed doesn't work. Are not both an http request? I thought as long as I was getting the web page, it ment the http port was open. Yet results say different. Some people can't tell the differnce between Democracts and Republicans. I can't tell the difference between between Bush and Husein... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Both parties in power want the people of the United States to do well and prosper. it's just that the Republican are satisfied at 5% of everyone. .... A man's only as old as the woman he feels. --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.46 þ Synchronet þ Bits-N-Bytes - / .