Subj : Re: Mod: Login Notificati To : Digital Man From : Mindless Automaton Date : Fri Dec 01 2006 08:41 pm Digital Man wrote: > Re: Mod: Login Notification t > By: Mindless Automaton to DOVE-Net.Programming_(Jav on Thu Nov 30 2006 12:05 pm > > > I poked together a mod that sends a message via RSS when someone logs > > into the bbs. > > RSS is a "pull" technology, so I'm not really sure what you mean by "sends a > message via RSS". Err.. rather then it posts to the sub and then is retrieved by RSS. :) > > There's nothing in MsgBase.save_msg() that checks the user user's security > level, so I'm confused. What method are you using to try and post to the sub? > What's the error, exactly? Well I guess it was a bug in my script because it seems to be working fine. Must be the drain bamage. SOrry. :o -Mindless Automaton --- þ Synchronet þ Eldritch Clockwork BBS .