Subj : JS error To : All From : Merlin Date : Wed Dec 20 2006 02:47 pm Hi all. I have a script that is causing the BBs to crash (freebsd version) when it runs and I have tried a few things to get it working but can't. Can anyoe see what is wrong with this? top =format(bbs.text(377),"",user.age,user.gender,user.birthdate ,,,,user.connection);,null ,top ,"New user introduction"); What it should do is read prompt 377 from text.dat (which it does) and format it with the users data and place it in a sting called top Then it creates a new email to the sysop with that text at the top of the message. Basically, it is a JS version of the new user feedback email that I run from a script. If I take out all of the user. variables so it says top =format(bbs.text(377),""); then it works, in so far as it creates an email and puts string 377 at the top of the text. Any ideas why it doesn't work when I try to populate the string 377 with the users data would be appreciated! Thanks Merlin -------------------------------------------------------------- Merlin þ SysOp of CarSo BBs þ telnet:// -------------------------------------------------------------- --- þ Synchronet þ CarSo BBs þ Beverley, UK þ telnet:// .