Subj : JS error To : Deuce From : Merlin Date : Thu Dec 21 2006 10:07 pm Re: JS error By: Deuce to Merlin on Thu Dec 21 2006 12:43:00 > Re: JS error > By: Merlin to Deuce on Thu Dec 21 2006 05:22 pm > > > > This has been fixed for 3.14 > > > In which case we have a different issue... try adding the params one at a ti > until it causes the crash... I'll try reproducing on my system. Ive changed my script to use ascii(user.gender) and it now works. I am using the latest CVS of 3.14 for FreeBSD, so maybe it isn't fixed! Merlin -------------------------------------------------------------- Merlin þ SysOp of CarSo BBs þ telnet:// -------------------------------------------------------------- --- þ Synchronet þ CarSo BBs þ Beverley, UK þ telnet:// .