Subj : Jscript To : Jeff Kowalski From : Jas Hud Date : Tue Jun 05 2007 06:36 pm Re: Jscript By: Jeff Kowalski to Jas Hud on Tue Jun 05 20 > Re: Jscript By: Jas Hud to Dodie on Mon May 28 2007 11:42 am > why womin clothes? are you gay? i sugest jesus. he cin help you iof yuo aSS > jesus died for yur nice to otter people :-) i hope you get cancer and die. then, when your mother is no her way to go to your funeral, she is hit by a bus while crossing the street. then a marching band walks all over her. have a nice day, (maggot) .Ä.Ú Â Â ÂÂ.Ä. ÂÚ¿ -³ ³Ã¿³ ³³ ³³³ ³³ ³À¿- `Ä'ÀÙÁÙÁ`\/'Á`Ä'À-ÙÀÙ +o edge of oblivion bbs þ þ NUV --- þ Synchronet þ Data Stream - telnet:// - .