Subj : Jscript||| big joe To : Jeff Kowalski From : Jas Hud Date : Tue Jun 05 2007 06:37 pm Re: Jscript||| big joe By: Jeff Kowalski to Jas Hud on Tue Jun 05 2007 02:33 pm > > > mailing list. and the listgate is what processes the messages and sen > > > them out in a email message. I can't get the listserver.js to add to t > > > listname.list.subs file. It keeps sending me. The messages to user num > > [] User: Dodie #5 In real life: Dodie Hums From: > > Kent, Ohio Birth: 01/30/33 (Age: 74 years) Gender: g Shell: default > > Editor: Last login Thu May 24 2007 09:25 > > pm EDT via Telnet from localhost [] > > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > > hey big joe!! how's it going? > > edge of oblivion bbs þ þ NUV > i am knot big joe. it me jeff. do yuo need glases? maybee it to much drug an > alkohol useage? jesus died for yur nice to otter people > :-) if you would pay attention, i was not talking to YOU, douchebag, i was talking to another one, who is just about as retarded as you are.. so maybe that's where all the confusion started. maybe you guys should get together and have a bbq. ps> it's still not too late to press charges against your mother for doing drugs while pregnant with you. .Ä.Ú Â Â ÂÂ.Ä. ÂÚ¿ -³ ³Ã¿³ ³³ ³³³ ³³ ³À¿- `Ä'ÀÙÁÙÁ`\/'Á`Ä'À-ÙÀÙ +o edge of oblivion bbs þ þ NUV --- þ Synchronet þ Data Stream - telnet:// - .