Subj : bullseye.js PATCH To : Digital Man From : Delbert Date : Wed Aug 15 2007 10:15 pm Re: bullseye.js PATCH By: Digital Man to Delbert on Wed Aug 15 2007 19:05:00 > > WITH THIS: > > ... and why? :-) As it was it converted to HTML no matter what. Very unattractive on the ANSI TERM. It looks like Deuce is headed toward HTML capability in syncTERM with USER_HTML and ?HTML? in answer.c. I got the impression he just wasn't quite done with the checking done in bullseye.js. The patch in typehtml.js fixes the "not defined" for USER_HTML. I uploaded both as diff to your sysop uploads. Please keep up the good work. -j- --- þ Synchronet þ Delbert's Place BBS | telnet:// .