Subj : newslink.js To : Digitalman From : Jas Hud Date : Fri Nov 30 2007 12:51 pm To: Digitalman Hello, could you please tell me what code to put into newslink to filter out certain text strings from the entire message? i know you told me last year, and i had put that snippet of code someplace, and it got lost.. and i've replaced that .js file with one from the cvs. i'd like to use it to filter out typical spam and certain bbses that are being exploited by that guy. i think a lot of people would benefit form this if they'd switch their polling method to nntp instead of qwk and edited newslink to block certain bbses from their tagline,etc. thanks! .Ä.Ú Â Â ÂÂ.Ä. ÂÚ¿ -³ ³Ã¿³ ³³ ³³³ ³³ ³À¿- `Ä'ÀÙÁÙÁ`\/'Á`Ä'À-ÙÀÙ +o edge of oblivion bbs þ |04An underground bbs with tons of the best games+files |05a zer0net node --- Synchronet 3.14a-Win32 NewsLink 1.85 * Data Stream - garland texas - telnet:// .