Subj : newslink.js To : Jas Hud From : Digital Man Date : Fri Nov 30 2007 07:19 pm Re: newslink.js By: Jas Hud to Digitalman on Fri Nov 30 2007 12:51 pm > To: Digitalman > Hello, could you please tell me what code to put into newslink to filter > out certain text strings from the entire message? Add something like: if(body.indexOf('some text') >= 0) continue; Somewhere around this section of code: if(truncsp(body).length==0) { printf("Message %lu not imported (blank)\r\n",ptr); continue; } digital man (xbox-live: digitlman) Snapple "Real Fact" #63: The average human produces 10,000 gallons of saliva in a lifetime. Norco, CA WX: ---.-øF, --% humidity, NaN mph --- wind, --.-- inches rain/24hrs .