Subj : Queues vs. Sockets To : Digital Man From : MCMLXXIX Date : Mon Apr 28 2008 09:37 pm Ok.. now that I've cleared up the issues surround my ability to even ask questions in here... I've come really far with some of these javascript games... and the next logical step is making them multiplayer (real-time) With the amount of data I intend to be passing back and forth between nodes, file IO seems like a huge PITA. I could be wrong, but that's just how it seems. I've had moderate success using named queues to communicate between nodes in a makeshift "chat lobby" I made... but it leaves open Queues behind in memory, which interferes with the ability to detect whether or not there are any other users connected. that leaves me with sockets, unless there's a way to free up queues from memory so they don't show up in the named_queue list. that being said.. is there a simple way to create a local socket connection between 2 nodes? the format is a little confusing, and I've had no success so far making it work. thanks for your patience (with my fumbles) --- þ Synchronet þ My Brand-New BBS .