Subj : Queues vs. Sockets To : MCMLXXIX From : Deuce Date : Tue Apr 29 2008 12:36 am Re: Queues vs. Sockets By: MCMLXXIX to Digital Man on Mon Apr 28 2008 09:37 pm > With the amount of data I intend to be passing back and forth between > nodes, file IO seems like a huge PITA. I could be wrong, but that's just > how it seems. I've had moderate success using named queues to communicate > between nodes in a makeshift "chat lobby" I made... but it leaves open > Queues behind in memory, which interferes with the ability to detect > whether or not there are any other users connected. File I/O is most likely to work... > that leaves me with sockets, unless there's a way to free up queues from > memory so they don't show up in the named_queue list. > > that being said.. is there a simple way to create a local socket connection > between 2 nodes? the format is a little confusing, and I've had no success > so far making it work. Yes, you have one node bind/listen on a port and another node connect to it. But it sounds like what you want is many nodes connected to many other nodes. If reliability isn't needed AND it doesn't need to work on multisystem installs, slicing off a part of the localnet and using broadcase would most likely be easiest. Basically, have each node bind to a known port on 127.0.0.X where X is the node number. I think XP has an issue with this though... see:;[LN];884020 I'll see what I can whip up quickly for an example... --- Synchronet - Jump on the Web 0.2 bandwagon! --- þ Synchronet þ My Brand-New BBS (All the cool SysOps run STOCK!) .