Subj : Socket Test To : Deuce From : MCMLXXIX Date : Tue Apr 29 2008 06:47 pm Ok, so I messed with the code you sent me a little, and tried it using both "" with port 5000 + bbs.node_num and "127.0.0." + bbs.node_num with port 5000 both had the same result, listen error: 45 but there didn't seem to be a problem binding them either way here's the code.. it's spammy I didn't really expect it to work, since I'm half guessing, but I thought I was on the right track.. maybe not. load("sockdefs.js"); load("sbbsdefs.js"); load("nodedefs.js"); var stream=new Socket(SOCK_DGRAM, "InterNode"); main(); function main() { if(!stream.bind(9000+bbs.node_num, "")) { writeln("Bind failed: "+stream.error); exit(1); } else { if(ConnectionListener()) Chat(); else exit(1); } } function Chat() { //Receive(); writeln("Test connection successful"); exit(0); } function ConnectionListener() { write("Waiting for users to connect"); for(i=0;i<10;i++) { for(node in system.node_list) { stream.sendto("ping","",9000 + node); } if(stream.listen()) return true; if(console.inkey().toUpperCase()=="Q") exit(1); mswait(250); write("."); } writeln("\r\nListen failed: "+stream.error); exit(1); } --- þ Synchronet þ The BRoKEN BuBBLE (MDJ.ATH.CX) .