Subj : Mailproc.ini programs To : All From : Merlin Date : Wed Jan 05 2005 11:13 pm Hi,. I've just updated to latest CVS and my mailproc program has stopped working. In the mailproc.ini it says at the bottom [emailstamp.js] native= My emailstamp.js is below. Basically, it adds a tag to all incoming mail with my BBS QWK ID and the IP of the smtp server delivering the email. It worked prior to update and I can't see anything wrong with it... Is there an expert who can cast their eye upon it... Ta MErlin // emailstamp.js // SMTP Email stamp "Mail Processor" module // Requires Synchronet Mail Server 1.298 or later // Set to false at any time to indicate a processing failure var success=true; // These lines open the processing error output file as a new File object. // If there are any processing errors (e.g. filtered context, blocked sender), // you can reject the message by simply writing some text to 'errfile'. var errfile = new File(processing_error_filename); if(!"w")) exit(); // These lines read the recipient list into a new 'recipient' object array. var rcptlst = new File(recipient_list_filename); if(!"r")) exit(); var recipient=rcptlst.iniGetAllObjects("number"); // At this point we can access the list of recipients very easily // using the 'recipient' object array. // These lines open the message text file in append mode (writing to the end) var msgtxt = new File(message_text_filename); if(!"a+")) // Change the mode to "r+" for "read/update" access exit(); // Write footer to incoming email msgtxt.writeln("---"); msgtxt.writeln("Anti-spam control key: " + system.qwk_id + "/" + client.ip_address + "/" + "0"); // If there were any processing errors... reject the message if(!success) errfile.writeln("A mail processing error occurred. Message rejected."); --- þ Synchronet þ CarSo BBs þ Beverley, UK þ telnet:// .