Subj : Re: Socket Test To : Deuce From : MCMLXXIX Date : Wed Apr 30 2008 08:35 am > Re: Socket Test By: Deuce to MCMLXXIX on Tue Apr 29 2008 07:35 pm > > > both had the same result, listen error: 45 > > > but there didn't seem to be a problem binding them either way > > > > Heh, whoops, mixing my protocols there. You don't listen() for UDP > > since it's connectionless. > > > > Remove the listen() call and all should be good. Is there a way to tell if there is anyone on the receiving end? I.E. if you're the only one trying to run the engine it will either wait for someone to connect, or kick you out. I guess I can make it send a "yo! I'm here!" message when anyone runs it. --- þ Synchronet þ The BRoKEN BuBBLE (MDJ.ATH.CX) .