Subj : fried brain To : Deuce From : MCMLXXIX Date : Mon May 12 2008 04:30 pm Re: fried brain By: Deuce to MCMLXXIX on Mon May 12 2008 12:44:52 > Re: fried brain > By: MCMLXXIX to Deuce on Sun May 11 2008 05:35 pm > > > > You can pass in the width as an argument. :-) > > > > > > Yeah, but it still wraps to the left side of the screen. I need it wrap > > away from the left side. Unless I'm just not doing it right... that is > > always a possibility when it comes to me. > > I'm sure I misunderstand the question. The word_wrap() function doesn't do > anything with the screen. > example: string="kljhsadflkhasfdjkhasdflhsadlfjhsadfjhsdlfhaslfdhsadflsdaflhasdfljkh"; console.gotoxy(10,1); //move to the first row, 10 spaces from the left edge console.putmsg(word_wrap(string,10)); result: kljhsadflk asfdjkhas flhsadlfjh etc.... ---------------------------- What I needed was for the string to wrap at a distance from the left side, but the word_wrap function displays the rest of the wrapped lines at the beginning of the next line. desired result: kljhsadflk asfdjkhas flhsadlfjh etc.. you dig? I got it working, at any rate, just wanted to get on the same page with you in case you know of a better/easier way to do it. -M --- þ Synchronet þ The BRoKEN BuBBLE (MDJ.ATH.CX) .