Subj : Quick Logon To : nightcrawler From : Angus McLeod Date : Mon Sep 22 2008 01:30 am Re: Quick Logon By: nightcrawler to All on Sun Sep 21 2008 18:24:00 > # Prompt "quick logon?" > no_yes "\r\nkhquick logon" > if_false > crlf > goto skip > end_if > :skip > > What would be the equivalent in JS? What're you trying to achieve? A skip past the usual bulletins and other stuff? I implemented that once by adding a prefix ("*") to the username at the NN: prompt. IOW to perform a fast logon, you would simply have to enter *nightcrawler at the NN: prompt. A simple check for the "*" turned on a flag to trigger the skip, and removed the "*" so the username could be validated successfully. (If you don't like a "*" use something else.) You would have to modify login.js to check for the flag. You could insert a small block of code right after the // Get login string var str=console.getstr( . . . ); to check for the prefix/flag (various ways), remove it if found, and also either initiate the skip or set a value in a variable that can be tested later to skip/no-skip. It depends where you want to begin skipping and where you want to skip *to*. Something like this maybe? // check for quick-logon prefix (O, Perl! Where art thou?) if (str.match( /^\*\s*/ )) { str = str.replace( /^\*\s*/, "" ); // remove prefix QuickFlag = true; // set flagB } Now at any point, you can test for QuickFlag and take apropriate action as you see fit. --- Playing: "Hey Jupiter (The Dakota Version)" by "Tori Amos" from the "More Boys" album. --- þ Synchronet þ Making sure Jason works OK at The ANJO BBS .