Subj : Quick Logon To : nightcrawler From : Angus McLeod Date : Mon Sep 22 2008 07:29 am Re: Quick Logon By: nightcrawler to Angus McLeod on Mon Sep 22 2008 03:22:00 > > You could insert a small block of code right after > > the // Get login string var str=console.getstr( . . . ); > > I am not sure if that would work for me, since I am not using login.js (I am > using a Matrix). Never saw the appeal of those -- just another option to take before you get online.... Still, you have to enter your username *SOMEWHERE*, whether you use a Matrix or not. So you could still use the prefix method. > I am looking for something along the lines of a Yes No prompt after the > first logon.ans is displayed. If yes it would go straight to the main menu. That would be just *another* entry for the user to make before getting logged on... but I guess it would work well enough. --- Playing: "Counting blue cars" by "Dishwalla" from the "Pet your friends" album. þ Synchronet þ Making sure Jason works OK at The ANJO BBS .