Subj : Quick Logon To : Angus McLeod From : nightcrawler Date : Tue Sep 23 2008 03:15 pm Re: Quick Logon By: Angus McLeod to nightcrawler on Mon Sep 22 2008 09:30 pm > > But IMHO, if people don't want to look at ANSI screens and such, they > > have no business using BBSes. > Right. Because unless you are ga-ga for crappy ANSI displays, play > dumb-assed text-based games, leech files from the filestore, waste hours > 'chatting' with the other morons on the board, and post loads of messages > in the subs, you don't DESERVE to use a BBS. Looks like you summed it up perfectly. Take away all those things you mentioned, and you no longer run a BBS, it is a.... Good question. I have no idea what you'd call it then. Nightcrawler +o Dark Sanctuary --- þ Synchronet þ The Dark Sanctuary .