Subj : Quick Logon To : Angus McLeod From : The Immortal Date : Thu Sep 25 2008 08:19 pm > But you can take away SOME of them and still be running a BBS. For the > SysOp to *insist* that the callers sit and twiddle their thumbs through > the lame-assed ANSIs is pathetic. My 2 cents that everyone but you and your uber message filter will see is that a few speedy ENTER's always get you to the main menu fast enough. Nothing wrong with a user statistics screen and a LOGON.ANS or random*.ans ad while logging in. It makes for a colorful family style informative BBS and login sequence, instead of an expert mode solid 1color/ascii prompt for 50 year olds that says this was all loaded with punch tape reels, newscan your messages and GO AWAY there is no fun here! Also I take pride in my ANSI's that I setup and rip off from ACiD, and even Jack Phlash lol... I also like lightbar menus, so there. =\= The Immortal =/= --- þ Synchronet þ Come on by and say hi!!!!!! .