Subj : Quick Logon To : Angus McLeod From : The Immortal Date : Sat Sep 27 2008 02:16 am > Really? When is the last time I saw a Synchronet menu? The last time you got on another BBS than your own... so who knows... You're in for an annoying treat the first time you use anyone elses command shells that have different default hotkeys. > Good night to you, then. Up yours lol! Your supremist attitude sucks, no matter how smart you think you are. It never seems to end either. I'm sorry the rest of us don't talk about only assembler and javascript with you all day, and if I recall you weren't prompted to butt in with your negative comments and calling ANSI lame assed. Get a life outside of 10100010101's and crashing expensive toy planes. God forbid you come across as cheery one day... =\= The Immortal =/= --- þ Synchronet þ Come on by and say hi!!!!!! .