Subj : Bug related to Bullseye bulletin board? To : Digital Man From : Karloch Date : Tue Nov 04 2008 12:12 am Re: Bug related to Bullseye bulletin board? By: Digital Man to Karloch on Sun Nov 02 2008 21:48:16 > Hm... What's the length of the file (in bytes)? I didn't receive the > e-mail. I tried to email the file to you, but your mail server keeps rejecting my messaage (I was using your address at Anyway, I solved the mistery. It turned out to not be a bug, I'll explain... > 4 bytes per character? No, it's ASCII - one byte per character, so after > reading 3, the file position should be 3. Unless you converted it > to UTF-32? You're absolutely right: it's 1 byte/char. I was afraid my text editor switched the format from ANSI to UTF-8, but that was not the case. The you put turned on my alarms. Last summer I migrated my BBS from Synchronet/Linux to Synchronet/Win32. The process was smooth, but some things remain in Unix format. The bullseye.cfg was ANSI Unix, using just as endline char, not the from DOS. This was the thing confusing the program. As soon as I converted the file to DOS format the bulletin started working again. A question about Unix->Win32 migration, is it necessary to switch the path backslash from "/" to "\" in every path specified at the SCFG utility? What about configuration files? Saludos, Carlos HispaMSX BBS Fidonet: 2:345/111 Redes integradas: HispaMSX, Fidonet, DOVE-Net --- þ Synchronet þ HISPAMSX .