Subj : KNK To : Mortifis From : Deuce Date : Wed May 27 2009 11:26 am Re: KNK By: Mortifis to Deuce on Tue May 26 2009 06:33 pm > Hey, Deuce, just 'installed' KNK and noticed that the opening statements > talk to you directly. It says "If this sounds easy to you Deuce ..." no > biggie, just thought I'd let you know. Oh, ya, it took me a minute to > realize that knk.js looks for ../exec/lockfile.js which I didn't have. > Might want to include that in the knk.doc :) Heh, I would never have noticed that! Fixed now. Regarding the lockfile.js requirement, the entire thing requires a reasonably recent CVS install, so I'm not planning on including that info. --- Synchronet - Jump on the Web 0.2 bandwagon! --- þ Synchronet þ My Brand-New BBS (All the cool SysOps run STOCK!) .