Subj : Dates and bulletins To : All From : Tegularius Date : Sat Aug 01 2009 10:28 pm Among the properties of the File object is date, a number in time_t format. Is the property "laston_date" of the user.stats object also in time_t format (or readily convertible to it)? I am thinking of developing a java-script alternative to Bullseye that takes a user to the bulletin section only if any of its files have been updated since his last visit. Perhaps it could also display its menu on-the-fly, using descriptions in another field of the .cfg lines that now hold only file names, and highlight any newly updated files. But of course, it would be necessary to compare file dates with the caller's previous logon time. Or perhaps someone has already written a module like this? No use reinventing the wheel... --- þ Synchronet þ The Bauding House - .