Subj : load() search paths... To : Access Denied From : Deuce Date : Fri Aug 07 2009 10:40 am Re: load() search paths... By: Access Denied to Deuce on Thu Aug 06 2009 10:10 pm > If you're talking about trying to make things more "findable" then I'm all > for it, though how would that affect the few of us who have searched > through the mess finding things to modify currently.. and have these things > modified to quite an extent? Well, for that, you would want to either modify the default search path set or move them to the newly appropriate place. I would expect that when you moved to the new exec directory and did NOT move your modified scripts to match the new layout that the file from exec/load/* would be loaded instead of the modified one. Once the modified one was placed in the correct spot, everything would woprk once more. The easiest thing though would be to modify the default set of search paths to place the mods directoy *first*. This would fix all the issues, but leave your mods dir cluttered. Actually, maybe mods first would be part of the default... --- Synchronet - Jump on the Web 0.2 bandwagon! --- þ Synchronet þ My Brand-New BBS (All the cool SysOps run STOCK!) .