Subj : helpfile.js To : Digital Man From : MCMLXXIX Date : Thu Sep 17 2009 01:19 pm I've had that stupid blank script in CVS for months now, and decided to try to do something with it today. The purpose of it will be to make some standardized help files for my scripts that can be broken into sections and browsed by section name. I was playing around with something today but it didn't work, so my question to you is: what does File.iniGetValue() or File.iniSetValue() do within the file when it's done performing its operation? does it leave the file position where it finished? or does it reset to position 0? or EOF? I was hoping to use the ini methods as delimiters for help file sections for quick and easy navigation within a file by reading or setting a value within a section to change file position.... but I don't know if it will work. thx --- þ Synchronet þ The BRoKEN BuBBLE (MDJ.ATH.CX) .