Subj : helpfile.js To : Digital Man From : MCMLXXIX Date : Thu Sep 17 2009 02:42 pm Re: helpfile.js By: MCMLXXIX to Digital Man on Thu Sep 17 2009 13:35:49 > > I was hoping to use the ini methods as delimiters for help file sections > > for quick and easy navigation within a file by reading or setting a > > value within a section to change file position.... but I don't know if > > it will work. > > the only way I can think of right now is to append an "=" to the end of > every line of text in a section and read everything in as a key, but I'd > rather not have to. > after bouncing this issue off of myself for a while I got something to work, and it seems pretty solid. calling File.iniGetValue("section",null); sets the file position to the character immediately after the NEXT section heading. so with an empty section at the beginning and end of the file I can get the file position for the start of each section of text (and consequently the end of each section by readln()-ing up until the position is greater than that of the next section and dumping the last line) sexy.. unless you know of a better way --- þ Synchronet þ The BRoKEN BuBBLE (MDJ.ATH.CX) .