Subj : console.inkey() timeout on slow connections To : esc From : Deuce Date : Mon Sep 28 2009 12:22 pm Re: console.inkey() timeout on slow connections By: esc to Nightfox on Sun Sep 27 2009 08:02 pm > Here's what I use. Keep in mind this is ripped from ispy/tracker1's code > of the phoenix modded s3 shell script. > > var c = console.inkey(); > if (c == "") { > sleep(100); > }else{ > Determine key pressed, etc etc etc. This is the wrong way to do it now... using a timeout is correct (and just as likely to work as the other). --- Synchronet - Jump on the Web 0.2 bandwagon! --- þ Synchronet þ My Brand-New BBS (All the cool SysOps run STOCK!) .