Subj : tw2.js To : DIGITAL MAN From : Phill Terry Date : Sat Nov 21 2009 11:50 pm DM>Getting this error a lot lately: DM>tw2\sectors.js line 117: ReferenceError: playerSector is not defined DM> digital man Sorry for thge crappy past4-job, but ... it's very similar to this .. You have to destroy the fighters before you can enter this sector. Fighters: 0 / 2940 Option? (A,D,I,Q,R,?):? R !JavaScript D:\BBS\mods\../xtrn/tw2\sectors.js line 117: ...... ......ReferenceError: player Sector is not defined Phill * OLX 2.2 * There is no dark side of the moon, really. --- þ Synchronet þ Ginger's Port Limited _ Columbus, Ohio _ telnet// .