Subj : Win32 build instructions for beginners To : All From : Alpha Date : Fri Aug 20 2021 03:26 am Hi, I'm just getting started with C++ (I do have experience with Javascript, Go and python) and I'd like to build Synchronet from source (with the hope of one day contributing), but I'm having some problems and was hoping to get some pointers... I'm running Win10, MS Visual Code C2019. I have a working version of Synchronet 3.18c, with the zip contents of Synchronet-Win32 C/C++ Source Code Archive (Aug-19-2021) downloaded from the FTP site downloaded and extracted to /sbbs/repo. (I also added the deprecated v141 tool support for XP in VS) According to the instructions in the README.TXT file: --- Project Directory Build Command src/sbbs3 release.bat /v:m /p:WarningLevel=0 --- When I run that command in the developer Power Shell, I get many errors across many files, but all related to "GIT_HASH": C:\Users\robbi\repos\sbbssrc\src\sbbs3\addfiles.c(560): error C2065: 'GIT_HASH': undeclared identifier [C:\Users\robbi\repos\sbbssrc\src\sbbs3\addfiles.vcxproj] Any clue what I'm doing wrong? Thanks for any help! Alpha --- ■ Synchronet ■ My Brand-New BBS .