Subj : Userlist To : Digital Man From : Max Date : Tue Oct 25 2022 09:25 pm RE: Userlist BY: Digital Man to TinTino on Tue Oct 25 2022 11:44:25 DM> Pressing Ctrl-U gives you a user listing? Normally, that's a node listing, which doesn't include location. I said wrong, only U, i mean List Users DM> In any case, the CP437 chars in user locations seem to be working for me in v3.20: DM> Testtest #818 M”lndal 10/25/22 Telnet DM> Similarly, if I run userlist.js: DM> 818/1457 Testtest M”lndal Telnet Its same error in userlist.js DM> And when viewing the logon list/last few callers: DM> 11 228798 Testtest M”lndal 11:36 Telnet 1 DM> How do the user locations look in the user editor? DM>In Or if you just view your data/user/ file in a text editor In it is same error, but only citys , names is ok but in user.dat all is right. And in useredit all is right, but useredit looks not write to only old users.dat /max --- ž Synchronet ž Pepzi - - 1000/1000 MBits .