Subj : issues with pipe/fork To : Digital Man From : candycane Date : Thu Aug 03 2023 09:52 pm Re: issues with pipe/fork By: Digital Man to candycane on Thu Aug 03 2023 11:10 am DM> Re: issues with pipe/fork DM> By: candycane to All on Wed Aug 02 2023 08:08 pm >> Hello! >> I'm having issues with pipe() and fork() making a 2 way pipe. >> The attached pastebin is somewhat far down in the function, and >> seemingly nothing happens when its run. The "done" puts() command >> isn't run either, it just returns with no error code. Any help? >> DM> In Synchronet, the source for the pipe/fork logic is in xtrn.cpp -> DM> sbbs_t::external() (for *nix). Take a look at that for a working example. DM> You haven't really described what you're trying to (what's the *goal* of DM> your pipe and fork?). DM> -- DM> digital man (rob) DM> Sling Blade quote #5: DM> Karl Childers (to father): You ought not killed my little brother... DM> Norco, CA WX: 78.2øF, 48.0% humidity, 4 mph E wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs DM> --- DM> þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs] I was trying to do a bi directional pipe, like socket -> A -> rz rz -> B -> socket where rz's standard in/out are pointed to A and B. However, I ended up fixing it by myself, after a bunch of research. candycane === user is generated from /dev/urandom ....Always address your elders with respect; they could leave you a fortune. --- þ Synchronet þ -=[ ConstructiveChaos BBS | ]=- .