Subj : src/sexpots/sexpots.c To : Rob Swindell (on Debian L From : Charles Blackburn Date : Tue Oct 17 2023 07:36 am Re: src/sexpots/sexpots.c By: Rob Swindell (on Debian Linux) to Git commit to main/sbbs/master on Mon Oct 16 2023 17:53:57 > > Modified Files: > src/sexpots/sexpots.c > Log Message: > Implement write-retry in modem_send() > > In attempt to address the "Error 11" (EAGAIN) error theat Nelgin sees when configuring some longer modem init strings on Linux. > This is just a single retry (after a yield) after any modem command char > send failure (for any reason), including the terminating carriage-return. im guessing that it's the &W he has at the end of the init string. some modems (including mine for some reason) won't send an OK when they get that. as you can see in a previous message, mine is a lot longer than his but works fine. I think his EAGAIN could be a resource conflict in some form of buffer maybe. ie sending data too fast (not that it should matter). not knowing his setup i couldnt answer that, but i would put money on it being on a cheap usb/serial adapter :D charlie --- þ Synchronet þ The FBO BBS - IPV4/V6 - or .