Subj : Compiling ``slib'' w/Watcom To : Serguei Trouchelle From : Bo Simonsen Date : Sun Nov 16 2003 12:17 am Hello Serguei! Nov 15 01:12 03, Serguei Trouchelle wrote to All: ST> Used: ST> OpenWatcom 1.1 ST> UnxUtils (w/GNU Make version 3.78.1) ST> Windows 2000 SP4 Nice to see interest from non-unix-guys ;) ST> First problem is unability to correctly execute sh ./configure, it ST> has nested sh executions, based on #! method, which doesn't work ST> under WinNT environments. ST> So, I have to write own ST> Using ./configuration-test/ with 3.78.1 cause some problems ST> too, it can understand only 3.## Good, maybe scott did leave some makefiles for NT? .... ST> Next. ./slib/Makefile ST> It has hard-coded ``gcc'' lines. I think it is a very bad idea... It might not be useable for NT, maybe a Makefile.NT might do it? ;) ST> Compiling smserial.c must be used only for OS/2 and UNIX, no need to ST> compile it for DOS/D386/NT platforms. Yes. Regards, Bo --- Msged/LNX 6.1.2 (Linux/2.4.18-bf2.4 (i586)) * Origin: The Night Express, Roennede Dk (2:236/100) .