Subj : Squish/w32 os/2 etc To : Serguei Trouchelle From : Bob Jones Date : Mon Nov 17 2003 04:51 pm Serguei: My appologies for the delayed response. Unfortunately, it will not be getting better for the next two months...... BJ> I was attempting to compile both Max and Squish using a beta of BJ> OpenWatacom running under OS/2. BJ> What version of OpenWatcom did you use? ST> I used "WatcomC 11.0c b1". BJ> Ah... Ok. Wasn't that just before the free version? Or maybe BJ> that was a Watcom's first attempt at a free version, but required BJ> the commercial version to get some of the libraries, headers, or BJ> some other stuff..... ST> Yes, it was one of very first versions. Ok. We should try to adopt the curren version of OpenWatcom, if possible. I realize just getting all the code to compile with your existing Watcom compiler setup should be ok for now..... ST> Now I'm downloading 1.1 version of OpenWatcom and will ST> try to compile Squish with current version. ST> Tonight I'll try to create building environment for Watcom. ST> I tried it yesterday, but ``configure'' script said ST> that it needs GNU make, while I have only wmake and old ST> UnxUtils make (which is incredibly buggy). ST> Also I have perl PMake, but I'm not sure that it is ST> good idea to use perl utilities. Yes. The ./configure script is something Wes wrote, and has only been tested on various Unix and Linux platforms. It will need work to configure the needed environment for the Watcom compiler. Once we have a compilation with the Watcom compiler going, I should be able to test it with OpenWatcom running under OS/2.... Thanks for the note. Bob Jones, 1:343/41 --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Top Hat 2 BBS (1:343/41) .