Subj : Linux Squish flo and FLO a possible answer To : Sean Rima From : Bo Simonsen Date : Wed Nov 19 2003 12:06 am Hello Sean! Nov 16 18:27 03, Sean Rima wrote to Bo Simonsen: SR>>>>> Maybe there is something in that section of code that causes it SR>>>>> :) BS>>>>> Actually what did you specifically do? SR>>>> I changed : SR>>>> AddMode SR>>>> to SR>>>> ;AddMode .... SR> I hope you can, it would be another bug ironed out I _might_ have fixed it in the CVS commit, I did just do.. Regards, Bo --- Msged/LNX 6.1.2 (Linux/2.4.18-586tsc (i586)) * Origin: The Night Express, Roennede Dk (2:236/100) .