Subj : OT for the Linux Programmers here To : Russell Tiedt From : sean rima Date : Thu Dec 04 2003 11:47 pm Wed 2003-12-03 18:27, Russell Tiedt (5:7105/1) wrote to sean rima: sr>> I think it is a gcc problem but not sure, I posted a messge somewhere sr>> about it :) RT> Well, I did not see that post, might have missed it, why do you RT> think it is a gcc problem? because with gcc 3.3.3 or whatever it is, it is very compilant whereas it wasn't before. I am trying to track down that old message about fastlst. -- Sean mailing lists --- timEd/Linux 1.11.b1 * Origin: Ireland Main and Best Fidonet (2:263/950) .