Subj : Not routing netmails To : Sean Rima From : Peter Knapper Date : Sun Dec 07 2003 10:00 am Hi Sean, sr> Is there anyway to tell Squish not to route netmails, sr> ie not touch them at all. Have a real close read of the Squish instructions, the commandline parameters are VERY subtle. In particualr note the SQUASH option - SQUASH For a BinkleyTerm system, the SQUASH command packs messages from the NetMail areas, scans the outbound areas, performs mail routing, and compresses packets. For a FrontDoor-style system, the SQUASH command compresses packets, scans the NetMail area, creates ARCmail attach messages, and optionally kills any orphaned archives. If the SQUASH command is specified on the same command line as IN and OUT, the single pass MaxMsgs mode can also be used to limit outbound packet sizes. In a nutshell, if you are runing FD style outbound, then you can't so this, however if you are runing BSO, then you can. Just use IN and OUT but don't include the SQUASH option and with BSO will ignore Netmail FOR THAT PASS. However note that to use SQUISH to PACK outbound, you need SQUASH, which implies a Netmail area pass. Sometimes it just takes the right combination of multiple passes to achieve the result you desire. The other sneaky way to do this is to use multiple Netmail areas and make sure SQUISH only sees an empty one or the one you don't care if it touches. --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Another Good Point About OS/2 (3:772/1.10) .