Subj : Not routing netmails To : Matt Bedynek From : Bo Simonsen Date : Mon Dec 15 2003 10:39 pm * Reply to a message in CARBON_COPY. Matt Bedynek wrote to Bo Simonsen about ''Not routing netmails'': -=>> Note: Copied from TUB by WIMM 1.31 sr>>> Not to get Ftrack working, although I may try iptrax BS>> How about trying Netmgr? :-) MB> Are you crazy? ftrack blows it out of the water! :-) And it's still maintained, and it compiles perfectly? The answer is _no_. Netmgr is. If somebody reports bugs in Netmgr, I'll correct them. Bo --- timEd/Linux 1.11.b1 * Origin: (=- The Night Express, Roennede Dk -=) (2:236/100) .