Subj : SEND file TO node To : sean rima From : Bo Simonsen Date : Thu Dec 18 2003 09:35 pm * Reply to a message in CARBON_COPY. sean rima wrote to Bo Simonsen about ''SEND file TO node '': -=>> Note: Copied from TUB by WIMM 1.31 sr> Sun 2003-12-14 16:16, Bo Simonsen (2:236/100) wrote to sean rima: BS>> sean rima wrote to Bo Simonsen about ''SEND file TO node '': -=>>>> Note: Copied from TUB by WIMM 1.31 sr>>>>> Can I tell squish to delete the file or is there anyother way. A sr>>>>> script will keep sending it otherwise. BS>>>> No I don't guess you can. But you might be able to use a charecter BS>>>> in the flo file which tells the mailer that it should delete it, BS>>>> after it has been send.. BS>>>> I can't remember which one, but maybe others can. sr>>> I tried using Kill as the flavour but the file is still there. I sr>>> guess I could just do an echo ^$string > flo file :) BS>> It might be easier.. I'm not mutch for editing this rutine, because BS>> it's the same one Squish is using for sending mail. sr> I have a batch file that runs once a day that sends me certain sr> files that remain in my inbound at my remopte box for me to sr> process, I now need to add to the script to send files to remote sr> nodes that I send up there. Ok it's good you can do it in that way. :-) I wonder if I should someday, make a outbound manager/event handler/etc. Binkd ain't like a good old dos mailer :/ Bo --- timEd/Linux 1.11.b1 * Origin: (=- The Night Express, Roennede Dk -=) (2:236/100) .