Subj : FileMgr To : Francois Thunus From : Vince Coen Date : Mon Dec 29 2003 11:40 pm Hello Francois! 06 Nov 03 17:30, I wrote to you: VC> Over the last few days I have been able to compile all Filemgr using VC> Turbo Pascal v7 under Win NT v4. I will load up some test data taken VC> from my old (read 1996 ish) data files and do some minor testing to VC> check that the compiles are good and that the programs appear to be VC> working. I will make that code base available after I create a Archive VC> of the Binaries for Dos / Windows command mode (16 bit). VC> After that I will add in the Copyleft notices into the source code and VC> get that archived as well. In case you missed it , it's now on // Vince --- Linux/Mbse/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5 * Origin: Air Applewood, Linux Gateway for Essex (2:257/609) .