Subj : Setting up Squish with SoupGate To : Sean Dennis From : Sean Rima Date : Tue Apr 13 2004 08:39 pm > Hello, Sean. > On 12 Apr 04 at 10:35, Sean Rima wrote to Sean Dennis: >> Make sure that Squish is set to 4d and that you use un packed archives > That's what I'm not sure about if I'm doing it right. :/ Use the Binkpoint keywqord: ; If you're running BinkleyTerm 2.50 or above, the BinkPoint ; keyword can be enabled. BinkPoint enables the Binkley 2.50+ ; "point directories", which allows for full 4D point support. ; If you wish to run 4D points on a Bink system, you must be ; running Binkley 2.50 or greater, and this keyword must be ; enabled. BinkPoint Sean --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5 * Origin: There Can Only Be 1 (2:263/950) .