Subj : file size issues? To : Mike Tripp From : Roy J. Tellason Date : Sat Jul 31 2004 01:13 pm Mike Tripp wrote in a message to Roy J. Tellason: MT> Hello Roy! MT> 28 Jul 04 20:07, Roy J. Tellason wrote to all\: RT> The .sqd file in question was a bit over 8M in size. Is this a RT> problem for Squish running under dos? MT> Nope...I have many that are larger without issue. SQFIX and GOLDED MT> DOS versions start misbehaving when areas hit 5400 msgs or so here, MT> though, so I cap mine at 5000. If they go over and break, then MT> SQFIX32 might work...but not always. Even with 5K caps, here's my MT> top 5: MT> ALLFIX_F SQD 28,155,429 07-29-04 3:44a MT> WEATHER SQD 27,625,285 07-29-04 3:43a MT> U-F1O4Q SQD 20,507,829 07-29-04 4:09a MT> U-RV6BX SQD 15,777,708 07-29-04 4:09a MT> U-RVG8O SQD 15,584,469 07-29-04 3:39a MT> If you don't already have SQPACK in a regular maintenance routine MT> (daily here), it is probably a good idea to run it both before and MT> after your manual cleanup activity, to insure the integrity of the MT> area. There were probably some pointers that were confused before MT> you started (in the .sqi), which got really confused by the time MT> you were done. I do have it running daily, but it doesn't do anything in those cases where I haven't set the message area to any particular limits, like the one in question: - 672 - Old=1131352; New=1131352 This is after I'd trimmed out a bunch of stuff... 5400 messages? There were something over 8000 of them in there, I forget how many now. And yes, this is the dos version. --- * Origin: TANSTAAFL BBS 717-838-8539 (1:270/615) .